Poor Brooke got sick at 3:00 a.m. on Thursday morning while Tim was in New Mexico. She started puking and continued every 15 minutes. I called the Dr. at 5:40 and he said if I couldn't get any fluids in her, to take her to the emergency room. So, I called Mammy at 6a.m. to she if she could stay with Kaylee so I could take Brooke to the ER. We tried to get her to drink some water, but she couldn't even put the cup to her lips without puking. So, off we went to the ER. They took her blood (which was very traumatic and sad because they couldn't get any blood out of her since she was so dehydrated), took a chest xray, gave her a shot for nausea (which worked great), and gave her an IV of fluids and antibiotics (which was traumatic again because they couldn't find any vessels, but they finally found one in her foot).
After I got to the ER, I realized that they might have to do an IV and stuff and I started getting nervous since I was by myself. Thanks to Popop and Mammy, that problem was solved. My dad took Kaylee and my mom came to the ER with me and Brooke. I was very thankful, especially while they were taking blood and doing any IV.
Anyway, they said she had an ear infection, and probably a virus. After she finished the IV, they sent us home with a prescription for the ear infection and told us to make sure she drank lots of pedialyte or Gatorade. So, you can pray that she will drink lots of fluids because all she wants is milk. I have tried blue Powerade, grape Gatorade, red Gatorade, apple juice, and cranberry juice and the only thing that she will drink is apple juice which is not that great because that makes her diarrhea worse. Now she is drinking water, but she really needs the electrolytes. You can also pray that the rest of us, especially Kaylee, will stay healthy!!! Thank you!

It was a hard day, but I was so thankful that the Lord was blessing us throughout the day.
*First, I was thankful that Popop and Mammy were here to take care of Kaylee and come to the ER. They also kept Kaylee overnight which was a huge blessing because I could concentrate on Brooke and catch up on some much needed sleep!!!
*Second, I prayed on the way to the ER that we would have good nurses and doctors and we did!!! The nurse was great!!! When they had to do the IV, she went up to the baby floor to get a nurse that puts IVs in babies all the time. The baby nurse ended up being a lady that goes to my parents church and she did a great job!!! It was very comforting!
*Third, I obviously hadn't had much sleep (I usually stay up late when Tim is gone so I went to bed at midnight and woke up at 3a.m.), but I actually felt awake and alert most of the time, which is not normal especially when I am pregnant.
*Fourth, I had a couple of people from church call to check on us and tell us to call if we needed anything!!
*Finally, Brooke is fine and there were no major problems. I think she is feeling better and she is sleeping well at night!!!