Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Kaylee started preschool Tuesday and just as I expected, she was really excited about it. In fact, she was so excited that she didn't even want to give me a hug when I was leaving. I'm not too worried about it because I am sure that Brooke will make up for all those hugs when she goes to preschool (she probably won't let go of me). She still cries every Sunday when she walks into her Sunday School class.
Anyway, Kaylee was really excited about her lunch. She was telling everyone that she had her lunch in her bag and then she proceeded to list the contents. Too bad she only ate her dessert (shocker). I didn't pack dessert on Thursday and she ate all of her lunch, of course.
They put them down for a nap at 1:30 so when I picked her up at 2:30 she was still asleep. All the other kids were outside eating popsicles. When we were on our way home I was asking her questions and she said, "Shhh...I am going back to sleep."

Her teacher, Mrs. Robin, said she did really well and she was a leader. Hmmm....good or bad? I think she saw the worry on my face so she said she was a good leader and nice to everyone. Whew! Hope it stays that way!

1st Day of School Picture. She took her bag and her little nap mat. (When I picked her up, they said she wanted a pillow and blanket because everyone else had one.)
Sister had to have her picture, too.
Here is her art work: Spot the frog.
There were no nap mats left in Abilene so we had to make ours. I was really excited because it only cost $7 and I thought it was cute for $7.
I am not gonna lie, it has been nice to have some time with just 2 kiddos. Tuesday we went to Chicfila for breakfast (in case you don't know, you get a free breakfast when you buy a drink) with Daddy and then we went grocery shopping. Thursday, I took Brooke to the zoo for their little preschool activity. Sorry, no pics because I forgot the camera. We learned about Roo the Rhino and then we got to go watch the zoo lady feed him lettuce. It was pretty fun! Then we took our weekly trip to Target (umm...sometimes it is biweekly).
On Wednesday, I told Kaylee not to do something and she argued with me so I told her not to argue with me and then she hit the couch with her hand because she was mad (surprising, huh..haha). So, I spanked her and she said, "I need to go back to school!!!" I couldn't hold it in so I busted out laughing.

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