Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...

We decorated our Christmas tree Sunday night, but I am not sure how long it will last. The bottom half has already been undecorated and redecorated several times.

It actually snowed a bunch Sunday, but we didn't go out because Brooke was sick so we made our own little snowman with playdough.

The girls put on their new Christmas jammies and then started unpacking all the decorations.

Brooke would just drop the ornaments on a branch. When it hit the ground she looked at it and went back to get another ornament. So, our tree had a horizontal line of ornaments at the bottom (thanks to Kaylee) and a pile of ornaments on the ground (thanks to Brooke). Oh well.

Brooke thought the tree skirt was a blanket so she kept rolling under the tree and going "night, night."

After this experience, I am debating whether I should put the presents under the tree or leave them in my closet.

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