Monday, January 28, 2008


These are pics of the girls posing in their new coats. They were in a good mood!
I hope the following story isn't TMI....sorry, but I thought it was funny!
I am sure that Brooke will be really proud of this some day!!! Her first poo poo on the big girl potty. I thought I'd share because she looks so little on the big ol' potty. It was pretty funny. She told me she needed to go tee tee, but I didn't listen at first because I just thought she was rambling. Then I heard her wiggling the restroom door so I jumped up and put her on the potty and waited for her to tinkle.....Next thing I know, "plop, plop"! I couldn't believe it!! She has done it 2 or 3 times now, but only tinkled once. I think it would be awesome if she was out of diapers by the time Baby 3 gets here, but I'm not counting on it.

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