Sunday, December 21, 2008


After taking pictures with the whole family, my sister discovered this:

Hear, Speak, and See No Evil

Friday, December 5, 2008


This was our first Thanksgiving with three kiddos this year. We are so thankful and blessed!!!! It was good to see everyone and eat lots of good food!!!

Yeah!!!! Uncle Josh and Aunt Adrienne brought the bounce house to Papa Jack and Mimi's house!!! Fun!!!

Danielle was an angel. She completely took care of Kaylee and Brooke. She read them books, played school with them, kept them off the stairs and even fixed their plates for dinner. She was amazing. I tried to get her to come back to Abilene with us, but she has lots of other people to take care of in Irving:) Thank you, Danielle!!! You are a blessing!!!

This is the newest nephew, Cohen. He is 3 months old...and he would smile for me every time I talked to him. (Remember: Sydney is 51/2 months old....)

Papa Jack and Sydney

Granny and Sydney
Danielle reading Brooke and Corbin a book
Nana and Sydney
Kaylee and Brooke love Nana's beanie babies!!! Kaylee was carefully placing her animals on Papa Mickey. Just part of a grandpa's job description, right?
Papa Mickey and Nana's grandkiddos: This is the best I could get. I thought it was cute that Kaylee was trying to help Sydney.
This picture made me laugh. Brooke was cracking up at Cade and Dane.
Aunt Cheryl was sharing her trash with Brooke (never ending stomach).

Sydney resting up to stay at Popop and Mammy's house for the first time!!!
Aunt Ron Ron and Sydney
Aunt Ron Ron and the turkey heads

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