We had a fun Thanksgiving this year! Ron Ron came home and we had lots of fun hanging out with her. Wednesday night Mammy and Ron Ron came over to cook for Thanksgiving and Kaylee was really excited to help Mammy cook.
Our college roommates stayed with us while they were in town so we got to hang out with them a little on Wednesday night. Good times!
Thursday morning we hit the road. Our first stop was at Tim's aunt's house for lunch (it was good stuff!). Kaylee and Brooke had fun playing with their cousin Payton. Brooke really had fun dressing up in Payton's Tinker Bell costume and showing off. They were "flying" through the house. In this video, Brooke is showing off for the camera, walks toward the camera, and then goes back to pose for more pictures.
Our next stop was Papaw Jack and Mimi's house. The girls had naps while we watched the game. We stayed the night and then headed back to Mineral Wells to drop off Granny and see Nana and Papaw Mickey again.
It was good to see everyone!! We are so thankful for all our family and friends!!!! Hope you all had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!!!!